Awarding vocational and technical qualifications in 2021
This article applies to BTEC, OCR Cambridge Technicals, Pre-U, Core Maths, IB, professional and technical qualifications (for GCSE, A or AS levels see our article: Awarding academic grades in 2021 without examinations)
In brief
The Government has confirmed that teacher judgements will play a crucial role in awarding results for students of vocational and technical qualifications this year. In some cases, assessments may still go ahead, either remotely or in person where it is safe. Assessments evaluating professional competence must take place, but may be subject to delays due to public health and safety. Students will be kept updated.
An online interactive tool will be released on the government website during March so students can check which approach is being used for each qualification.
The aim is that students will be awarded a grade to reflect what they know so they can move on to the next stage of their life.
In summary
Applied generals – including BTEC, OCR Cambridge Technicals, Pre U, core maths
Teacher assessment based on the work completed, such as tasks performed and course work.
International Baccalaureate
Cancelled in the UK. Awaiting announcement due mid-March about how they will be awarded.
Functional skills
Teacher assessed grades will be awarded if assessments cannot be taken due to public health measures.
Professional or occupational qualifications
Assessments must be taken, although this may be conducted in a different way to normal (such as remotely or using social distancing) so there may be delays. Awarding organisations will advise colleges or training providers of when grades can be awarded based on when assessments can take place.
Read the complete article – here