Intro to Legitimate Leadership – Half day Session – 12th May 2022
Legitimate Leadership are running a half-day Intro Session in Plymouth on the 12th May 2022 asking the question “Why Do We Willingly Follow Some
Leaders And Not Others?”
View the Flyer for the Workshop here: Legitimate Leadership – Half Day Event 12052022
More about Legitimate Leadership
Manufacturing is complex and difficult. Our licence to run the factory is predicated on safety, quality, delivery and cost. Too often we rely on machinery, process and control to ensure we run a tight ship. Yet it is our people who define whether those products leave the factory on time, at the right standards of quality and produced in a safe and sustainable way.
Legitimate leaders create a willingness in their people to pursue the goals of the business, to go the extra mile when the chips are down. Legitimate leaders create a workplace that buzzes, you can feel the pace, you can see the initiative. Legitimate leaders create leaders.
This collection of characteristics can be summarised as a shift from taking to giving at work. All things being equal a motivated and inspired group will significantly outperform their uninspired and demotivated mirror image.
We in Legitimate Leadership work with you to create the conditions where this transformation can take place. We help you to grow your leaders into people who can cultivate those around them to deliver outstanding results, without resulting to suffocating controls. We have done this successfully for over 30 years in more than 300 diverse organisations, all over the world in many different cultures.
Currently our UK team are enabling leaders from the front line to the C-suite in Babcock’s Devonport dockyard, Harrison Packaging, Johnson Matthey and TKE Access. Do you need to improve that safety record, bump up that yield or reduce the number of employee relations cases at your site? If so then it’s time to find out more about how to cultivate willingness and loyalty in your people – managers progress the work, leaders progress the people.
When leaders at every level of the organisation have won the willingness and loyalty of their people, when trust and collaboration between people is high, the only result is excellence. Get in touch with us now so we can get to work.