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Last chance to book your stand for the University of Plymouth Careers Fair
University of Plymouth – South West Local Opportunities Fair
Wednesday 23rd February 2022 | 11:00 – 15:00
University Campus (in-person event)
BOOKING DEADLINE – 9th February 2022
The University of Plymouth’s Careers Service are pleased to invite regional organisations, particularly SMEs, to our inaugural South West Local Opportunities Fair to showcase internship, placement and graduate roles.
The University attracts many of its students from the South West and a vast majority of these wish to remain and work in the area post-graduation. With SMEs accounting for nearly 49% of the regions employment (Gradsouthwest, 2018), this event aims to highlight the benefits of working with a smaller organisation.
This fair is for you, if:
- You are recruiting students and graduates into work experience, internship, placement or graduate roles starting in 2022
- You wish to raise awareness of your organisation and its’ opportunities amongst our student population
This event is most suitable to:
- SMEs (Small or Medium-sized Enterprises) based within the South West, or
- Larger/national organisations that will have opportunities based within the South West
Please note that for the purposes of this event we are defining the South West to include the counties of Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Bristol, Dorset, Wiltshire and Gloucestershire.
Spaces are limited and a small fee (starting from £60+VAT) is required to secure you space.
Subject to current COVID-19 restrictions it is planned for this event to take place in person, however a virtual/online offer will also be available in the occurrence that this cannot go ahead.
For information on how to book and for further details, please contact the University’s Employer Engagement Team on 01752 587729 or employers.careers@plymouth.ac.uk