Portakabin – market leader in modular buildings
Portakabin is a market leader in the design, manufacture and installation of modular buildings, and a pioneer of advanced modular construction. Portakabin innovates, develops and delivers exceptional modular buildings across every sector. From a single office to large multi-storey spacious offices, right through to portable cabins for construction sites, from stand-alone single buildings, laboratories and canteen/staff facilities right through to award-winning modular buildings such as ultra-modern hospitals and schools – tell us what you need and leave the rest to us.
With a promise to always deliver on time and on budget Portakabin can deliver buildings up to 70% faster than traditional construction.
If you’re interested in finding out more, please refer to link for our manufacturing case studies https://indd.adobe.com/view/6b384aa5-0e80-4201-8b41-a1c8fdf09c87 , visit www.portakabin.com or please contact your local Plymouth hire and visitor centre – plymouth.hire@portakabin.com or 01752 663 692.