Shaw & Co
We are award-winning corporate finance advisors and our entire approach is focused on helping you achieve your greatest ambitions. We succeed only when you do — whether that’s raising finance, buying a business or selling one you have grown.
Founded by Jim Shaw in 2011, we have one of the largest advisory teams in the South West and specialise in a range of services from developing acquisition and exit strategies, business valuations and funding readiness advice, to trade sales, mergers, management buy-outs. We also help business leaders secure finance for growth projects, acquisitions and MBOs.
Helping you with key transactions:
Business funding
Growing your manufacturing business is an exciting process but knowing how to finance that growth can seem daunting. The funding landscape is complex with many lenders offering a myriad of financing solutions. Your bank may decline finance based on its lending policy or the quality of your business plan. Do you know the risk appetites of different lenders? Our business financing experts can help you navigate the complexity and arrange business funding that’s right for you.
Buying a business
An acquisition can make you more competitive by adding scale or capabilities to your business that you currently don’t have. However, acquisitions only work if you pay the right price and valuation is one of the key aspects of any transaction. Due diligence is critical – the assets you may be acquiring could be worth less than you think, or you could be acquiring hidden liabilities. Our M&A experts can ensure that your intended acquisition is achieved at the right price, on the right terms, and is appropriately funded.
Selling a business
A trade sale is a popular exit strategy as it often delivers a strategic premium and a long-term home for your business. To successfully execute a trade sale the buyer must be convinced of the strategic value, as well as understanding the risks, of acquiring your business. Any trade sale requires a high level of confidentiality to avoid creating uncertainty among employees, suppliers and other key stakeholders. Our M&A experts will manage the end-to-end process of preparing your business for a trade sale, taking it to market and executing the transaction with trade purchasers.
Further Information
Contact: or call us on 0330 127 0100
Twitter: @ShawCorpFin